Who we are

PED Test Australia and NARCO Test Australia provide at-home testing kits for a range of substances.

Our aim is to improve safety, education, and minimise the harm for those who choose to use illegal substances.

Our kits help users make informed decisions about the substances they choose to take and therefore reduce the risks they are exposed to.

Deep Dive

PED Test Australia features on The Platform Podcast

Get to know us, what we do, and why are passionate about our product. This podcast is full of useful information, tips and many insights into the PED industry in Australia and around the world.

YouTube video

NARCO Test Australia exclusively stocks GMED certified Narcotics testing kits from France. These kits have been rigorously tested and conform to ISO diagnostic medical device regulations.

Why Test Before You Use?

Underground or counterfeit drugs can often contain a different substance than what they claim – or nothing at all.

Our Presence and ID Test Kits are presumptive tests used to indicate the presence of illegal substances in oils, capsules, pills and powders.

Potency Kits estimate the range of concentration as a way of verifying that the potency of the drug is similar to what was claimed by the supplier.

PED Test and NARCO Test Australia don’t condone or encourage the use of drugs but aim to help reduce potential risk to users through information, education and harm minimisation.


 Legal to Purchase

PED and NARCO Test kits are legal to buy in Australia.

Narco test- tablets, syringe, powder

What Can They Test?

PED and NARCO Test kits are an effective tool for identifying the most common steroids and narcotics. See our range for more information.


Always Developing

Our range of Test kits are continually growing and evolving to meet the demands of the future. Follow our Instagram for news and updates.