The test kits only contain 0.1ml of chemical reagent in each vial. This is for your safety (reagents can be corrosive and/or toxic), and because only a small amount is required.

Let the vials stand upright for a couple of minutes before using to allow all the reagent to settle to the bottom of the vial.

For oils, one tiny drop from an insulin syringe is enough. For orals, a pinhead-sized sample is enough. Adding too much to the vial can cause the colours to be too dark to compare to the chart easily.

If the substance is hard to identify, photos at 1 minute and 10 minute intervals can assist us to identify it for you. Keeping photos will also help you to compare test results between batches.

PEDTest Australia is owned by a local strength athlete. Product development has been done in collaboration with many people in the industry. We want you to be able to stay healthy and keep training, whether you use PEDs or not. Test kits contribute towards better information and more educated decisions for users.

If there is no reaction, the substance contains no steroid. Please let us know so we can add the details to our database.

This means the substance is something other than what you were expecting. You can find the full colour chart here. Find the which steroid on the chart matches the colours you can see for each test kit vial. If you have any questions or cannot figure out which one it is, contact us and we will help you.

See our blog article here for an explanation of what inconclusive results can mean.

We are a legitimate business, selling a legal product. We do not store customer information, only test results sent to us. You can contact us through Instagram, or anonymously via email. You can use a fake name and parcel locker or PO box for deliveries if you wish.

NARCOTest kits are manufactured in France by Kappa City Biotech. You can contact them at Pharma Drug Test but as a large international company they only provide limited assistance to customers.

You can organise with us to pay by Paypal invoice if you wish. Simply fill your cart with your order, take a screenshot, and email us at to request a Paypal invoice. Once the invoice is paid we will ship your order.

Sometimes the AusPost auto-email system doesn’t work. Let us know and we will forward your tracking details to you from our end.

Check the tracking details at AusPost online. If it seems stuck or delayed somewhere, lodge an enquiry and let us know – they tend to get things moving faster if we enquire as well. If it turns out that they have lost it, we will send you a replacement.

Express delivery times can vary during the year, but usually within WA it is delivered within 48hrs of lodgement. To the Eastern States it is usually within 5 working days depending on location.

Express delivery is free for orders over AUD$150. This should be automatically applied at checkout – let us know if you have any issues.

When you change the country to “New Zealand” in your cart, you’ll get the option to pick Regular International Post for $15 or Express International for $30. If you order over AUD$150 of products you will get free Express International shipping automatically applied.